On Saturday 17th June 2023 RSCJ gathered with friends, family, students past and present, co-workers, companions in mission, as well as professional advisors, RSCJ from other countries and former colleagues, for a momentous occasion: a thanksgiving Mass commemorating 180 years of mission in England and Wales. 

1842 Candle

This joyful celebration took place at Digby Stuart Chapel in Roehampton, serving as a sacred space for reflection and gratitude. This special event brought everyone together to acknowledge the province’s rich heritage and ongoing commitment to its mission. During the Mass, heartfelt remembrance was extended to those who had paved the way, laying the foundations upon which the province now stands. Gratitude was also expressed for the present stewards, RSCJ and partners in mission who carry forward the Society's charism and mission.

The Society’s educational legacy was especially represented by a choir and musicians drawn from the Sacred Heart primary and high schools in Fenham, Hammersmith and Roehampton. Despite only one rehearsal together, they led us very harmoniously in a Mass setting composed especially for this occasion by Lorraine Neckles, Head of Music at Sacred Heart High in Hammersmith.


During the Mass our Provincial, Cath Lloyd RSCJ reflected on the many changes of the past 180 years, and the changes which undoubtedly lie ahead. But she also reminded us of what has remained constant and unchanging…


What have we always done as RSCJ? Stay rooted through prayer and contemplation in the awareness of God’s constant presence and the beat of God’s Heart. That is central to our lives, as is being “bound to Jesus”. We will go on drawing others into the love of God’s Heart, reminding them and ourselves what today’s second reading from 1 John has recalled for us, that God loves us because of who God is not because of who we are or what we have done. We will go on doing all that whoever we are, wherever we are, whatever our age and through whatever we are doing.

We invite you to read a letter from our Superior General, Barbara Dawson, RSCJ. Click here to access the letter.

For more information and to follow year-long celebrations honouring this significant milestone in the Society's history click here.

Digby Stuart Chapel

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