In October a group of 20 educators from across our European Network gathered at the family home of St Madeleine Sophie Barat, foundress of the Society, in Joigny.

Saint Thibault Church

It was a very special time together: the chance to hear Sophie’s story in her own home and to reflect together on how her experiences have strong resonances for educators today. They heard from Sr Hyo Seong RSCJ, from South Korea, and Sr Rachel Guillien, RSCJ from France, who shared insights on Sophie’s vision for education that can inspire us today.


St Madeleine Sophie Barat's House

Time was spent visiting the town and the neighbouring vineyards, where the group was led in a powerful reflection, which touched them deeply.  There was also a chance for each to share information and special features of their own schools.

Looking Down at the Joigny Vineyards


With delegates from Spain, France, Ireland, England and Italy, this was a real celebration of our Sacred Heart Network. All were very appreciative of all who organised, contributed to and facilitated the gathering. Many thanks to our two translators, Javier and Julie.

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